Color Image and Sensory Character In the Poetry of Nasih Al-Din Al-Arjani

Color Image and Sensory Character In the Poetry of Nasih Al-Din Al-Arjani


  • Professor Safaa El-Din Ahmed Fadel ( Ph.D.) الجامعة العراقية / كلية الاداب
  • Abeer Qassem Abd Al-Kazem الجامعة العراقية / كلية الاداب



Keywords: image, color, senses, development


       For Arab and Western critics and poets, both ancient and modern, the image occupies great care due to its importance in conveying a poetic experience, and its ability to communicate it to the recipient, so he ponders it and thinks about its content, discloses its hidden aspects and reveals the purpose and goal that it intended to communicate, because the nature of the image is its distance from the true meaning or purpose. tangible to another point to achieve interaction and pleasure in the idea of the intended meaning, color was associated with man's past, present and future, as the effectiveness of colors cannot be denied, man has alerted to this blessing, and distinguished it before naming it, as he noticed and knew the difference between formations, shapes, scenes of nature, and every part of the surrounding world We learned thanks to color, so he diagnosed the color of plants as green, and diagnosed the color of the sky as blue, and he noticed the color of the sun at sunset, and the multiplicity of colors of plants and flowers caught his eye.

