Conceptual Model of Mobile Assisted Language Learning Applications To Enhance English Speaking Skills

Conceptual Model of Mobile Assisted Language Learning Applications To Enhance English Speaking Skills


  • Abdullah A. Almadhady University Of Anbar College of Education for Humanities
  • Alaa Sadoon Muhsen University Of Anbar College of Education for Humanities



Keywords: MALL, English speaking, motivation, EFL learners, TAM.


Recently ,the use of technology is fast becoming a key instrument in language learning. In addition, the use of mobile devices for improving learning English in the foreign language (EFL) context is necessary to all language learners as it will help to motivate the learning through adding enjoyment and usefulness to the process of learning. The learners' motivation of using Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) applications is one of the significant issues that may encounter the use of these applications by EFL learners. Adding to that, English speaking is considered as the most challenging aspect in the process of enhancing the language skills. The main purpose of this study is to present a conceptual model to motivate the English speaking learning by EFL learners using MALL applications. The conceptual model is proposed based on Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) supported by related theories and studies. MALL applications could motivate the English learner to enhance the speaking skills due to many factors such as self directed learning, variety of learning styles, and accessibility and availability of learning content. This study is important to explain the various factors that could help to motivate the use of MALL applications by EFL learners to improve their speaking skills. Based on the proposed conceptual model, the future work and recommendations are suggested in this study too.


