The Impact of Feminism on Modern Culture

The Impact of Feminism on Modern Culture


  • Asst.Prof. Nibras Ahmed Abdullah Al-Iraqia University / College of Arts
  • Ibrahim Laith Ali Al-Iraqia University / College of Arts



Feminism Modern Culture


The first section was an introduction to the movement of feminism, its significance, and the challenges facing this study. Feminism's influence transcends superficial changes, delving into the legal and policy realms to secure tangible advancements in gender equality. Legislative measures addressing workplace discrimination, reproductive rights, and domestic violence bear the imprints of feminist advocacy. The movement's commitment to intersectionality further ensures that the struggle for equality is inclusive, recognizing the interconnected nature of gender with other social categories. Feminism is a powerful force that has fundamentally reshaped societal structures, cultural narratives, and individual perspectives. The movement's impact is multifaceted, challenging entrenched norms and fostering a seismic shift in understanding gender roles. Central to this transformation is the heightened awareness and discourse surrounding gender inequality, sparking conversations that permeate all facets of modern life. Feminism has become a driving force behind increased representation of women in diverse fields, breaking down barriers that once limited their participation and influence. The last section involves some of the novels and writings that talk about the concept of feminism and its movement and mentions some of its quotations.


