Ecological Consciousness: A Critical Study of Indian English Novels

Ecological Consciousness: A Critical Study of Indian English Novels


  • Dinesh Kumar Associate Professor of English Dyal Singh College, Karnal



Keywords: Ecological consciousness, Eco-criticism, environmental balance, nature, ecology.



It is a well known fact that nature and literature have always shared a close and intimate relationship. This intimacy can be witnessed through the writings of Indian authors. Ecology and ecological consciousness are among the significant and vital aspects discussed and debated in the corridors of Indian writing in English. Nowadays, in this globalised world, the idea of environmental balance is the topic frequently discussed by Indian writers many writers who have contributed a great deal in direction.

  1. K. Narayan’s novel, The Guide is a powerful exploration of the concept of ecology through the flowing Saryu River and ruined temples which are responsible for Raju's transformation into a saint. In his novel, Kanthapura, Raja Rao, through the depiction of rivers, mountains and other natural elements, has delineated peoples’ respect for nature through their religious beliefs by exploiting natural imagery.

 Kamala Markandaya, in her novel, Nectar in a Sieve, illustrates the idea of environmental consciousness through the use of strong natural images. So Many Hunger by Bhabani Bhattacharya is a realistic portrayal of ecological concerns through the effect of famine produced on its inhabitants. 

In addition to it, the North East authors including Temsula Ao, Monalisa Changkija, Mamang Dai and Mitra Phukan redefine human relationship with nature by challenging the dualistic construct of the Western thought in their works. They retrieve and preserve the world views and traditional ecological knowledge of their communities. These writers propound the idea that two components of nature-organism and their environment are not only much complex and dynamic, but also interdependent mutually reactive and related.


