Jurisprudence rulings deduced from this hadith: ((The Prophet “PBUH" was glorifying the God” on his camel, by nodding his head wherever his direction was)).

Jurisprudence rulings deduced from this hadith: ((The Prophet “PBUH" was glorifying the God” on his camel, by nodding his head wherever his direction was)).


  • Prepared by Dr. Naif Bin Farhan Bin Turki Al Osaimi الأستاذ المساعد بكلية الشريعة والدراسات الإسلامية بجامعة أم القرى.




Keywords: Jurisprudence rulings-inferred-hadith–glorification- on his camel.


Research Title: Jurisprudence rulings deduced from this hadith: ((The Prophet “PBUH" was glorifying the God” on his camel, by nodding his head wherever his direction was)).

Topic hereof: Study jurisprudence issues and rulings imminent in the hadith.

Research Methodology: This Research was performed under inductive methodology which matches the nature hereof.

Main sections hereof: This Research contains a preamble including an opening, the importance of the Research, the reasons for choosing it, previous studies, this research’s limits, plan and methodology, a preamble containing three sections, two chapters, the first contains two sections while the second contains seven, then the conclusion, finally, the scientific indexes.

Results hereof:

  • The hadith of Ibn Omar, may God be pleased with them–is extremely valid and acceptable.
  • One of the conditions for praying on the camel is that the prayer be a supererogatory, and during a traveling.
  • Malikis stipulated that for the praying on a camel to be permissible, it must be during a travel during which the prayer is shortened, and this opinion is not completely right because the rule is f right, because the ruling is applied in general for every travel.

