Tolerance in the Thought and Behavior of The Messenger of God may God bless him, his family, and his companions

Tolerance in the Thought and Behavior of The Messenger of God may God bless him, his family, and his companions


  • Dr. Sosum Waheed Jabbar General Directorate of Education, Baghdad - Al-Rusafa Al-Awal



Keywords: tolerance, thought, the Messenger of God


    The greatness of the Messenger of God (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family) lies in the integrity and equality of his morals, to be a role model for all people and a good example for every beautiful, and his guidance for every kindness, so his patience (peace and blessings of God be upon him and his family) precedes his courage, and his forgiveness precedes his retribution from the oppressor, so he forgives those who offended him. He has consistently established the principle of tolerance among the members of society, because it is the positive engine for rejecting differences and taming hatred, by waiving rights after establishing them (without prejudice to legitimate rights). God be upon him and his family) is creedal tolerance, as non-Muslims and religious adherents lived in Medina in safety; He secured them for their beliefs, worships, temples, rituals, and crosses, practicing their rituals without embarrassment or distress, and other areas of life. And the current situation, which needs the members of society to heal its wounds, and to consolidate its bonds.

