The Sunnah of the Prophet, may God bless him and his family and grant them peace, in worship

The Sunnah of the Prophet, may God bless him and his family and grant them peace, in worship


  • Dr.Iman Moneim Hamid وزارة التربية / مديرية الرصافة / الاولى



key words :Worship, economy, charity, affectation, balance


 God Almighty sent His honorable Messenger as a prophet, guide, and teacher of the Islamic nation, so he lived among them, understood their circumstances, and guided them to the best way to worship their Lord, so he drew for them a sound plan for how to worship, so that God would accept it from them without negatively affecting their daily lives, because worship is education for the human soul It educates the believer to be as close as possible to perfection in dealing with his Lord and with His servants, and it is not intended to deplete man's energy or distance him from his worldly duties.

