Issues of Linguistic Jurisprudence and the Science of the Qur’an and What Occurred in it, the Contradiction in the Sayings of the Two Imams Abdullah bin Masoud and Amer Al-Shabi in the Interpretation of Al-Tabari

Issues of Linguistic Jurisprudence and the Science of the Qur’an and What Occurred in it, the Contradiction in the Sayings of the Two Imams Abdullah bin Masoud and Amer Al-Shabi in the Interpretation of Al-Tabari


  • Prof.Muhammad Mayouf Matroud Al-Jubouri ( Ph.D.) Al-Iraqia University / College of Arts
  • Abdul Qadir Ibrahim Hassan Al-Mohammadi Al-Iraqia University / College of Arts



Keywords: jurisprudence, Qur’anic sciences, antithesis.



The researcher in Tafsir al-Tabari discussed the discrepancy in interpretive opinions between Abdullah bin Masoud and Amer al-Shabi on issues of philology and the sciences of the Qur’an, and what contradictions occurred in it. When there is a difference, one of the two opinions is preferred over the other, because the preference is the conclusion for comparative studies, and that is because the aspects of interpreting the Book of God There are many, and the narrations are multiple, so through comparative study and then weighting, the researcher reaches his goal, which is to adopt the most correct opinion among the statements.

The faculty of comparison leads researchers to know the causes of disagreement and determine the approaches and trends, so I loved delving into this topic, because there is no comparative study between Abdullah bin Masoud, may God bless him and grant him peace, and Amer al-Shabi, may God have mercy on him, through the interpretation of al-Tabari, asking the Lord, may God bless him and grant him success, and that this study be Useful for students of knowledge.

