The Reality of Food Industries in Sadr City

The Reality of Food Industries in Sadr City


  • Dr.. Sattar Jabbar Khalifa وزارة التربية/المديرية العامة لتربية بغداد الرصافة/3



Keywords: Food Industry, Sadr City, Industrial structure, Geographical distribution


     The food industry is one of the industries that consume human life, and today most of the food is available through these industries after entering into several stages, in addition to being located in a densely populated area, and this requires providing food for them, so it was necessary to shed light on these industries,  This research dealt with its historical development in the study area, and also dealt with the geographical components that contributed to its settlement in the study area, including the market factor and the high purchasing power as a result of the high rate of Iraqi per capita income in general. This study also came to identify the structure of the food industries in the study area as well.  On their geographical distribution, through the use of industrial standards and indicators, as the pastry and sweets industries witnessed a wide spread in the neighborhoods of the study area, and the number of small industrial establishments and the number of their workers witnessed a remarkable development, while the private sector contributes the largest part to the number of establishments and the number of workers. As for the distribution of these industries  Most of them were concentrated in the Jamila neighborhood area.

