Francis Perkins and Her Social Activism in the United States of America 1933-1945

Francis Perkins and Her Social Activism in the United States of America 1933-1945


  • Prof. Khaled Abd Namal (Ph.D.) Aldulaimi Al-Iraqia University / College of Arts
  • Sanaa Abdullah Fadel Ali Al Anbari Al-Iraqia University / College of Arts



Francis Perkins ,Social Security,Labour Movement,Foreign Refugees


    Francis Perkins is one of the important figures who influenced modern American history, especially in the social as well as the political aspect, as Francis Perkins became the first woman to hold the position of Cabinet Secretary of the United States of America, The importance of the research lies in the role of Francis Perkins to pass the Social Security Act and provide a stipend for the elderly, as well as her position with the labor movement and their right to establish unions, and her standing with Jewish refugees and their access to housing and work.      

