Introductions Discourse in the Fourth Century AH a Systematic Study (Al-Tabari (310 AH / 923 AD) and His Book (History of the Messengers and Kings) as an Example

Introductions Discourse in the Fourth Century AH a Systematic Study (Al-Tabari (310 AH / 923 AD) and His Book (History of the Messengers and Kings) as an Example


  • Prof. Muhammad Abid ( Ph.D.) Marzook, Al-Iraqia University / College of Arts



Keywords: Introduction letter, Tabari, History of the Messengers and Kings book


The position of the introduction at the beginning of the authored book and its importance, due to what it contains of the opinions and ideas of the author of the book, and his attempts to reach the heart of the reader. The book, and the authors differed in their attention to their speech in the introductions to their books and what that speech contained, and al-Tabari was in their introduction and his book (History of the Messengers and Kings.(

