The most prominent historical narratives In Al-Umda’s book on the virtues of poetry, its etiquette, and its criticism By Ibn Rashiq Al-Qayrawani )

The most prominent historical narratives In Al-Umda’s book on the virtues of poetry, its etiquette, and its criticism By Ibn Rashiq Al-Qayrawani )


  • Instr.Dr. Basma Taha Ismail جامعة تكريت/ كلية التربية للبنات / قسم التاريخ



key words: Ibn Rashiq Al-Qayrawani / Historical Narratives / The Incident of Al-Afak / The Umayyad Era / The Abbasid Era


 The historical sources in the Arab-Islamic civilization reflected their ability to contain and represent the methodological needs of historical recording through personalities who were able to be inspired by the spirit of the creative civilization and were written in books, writings and poems, including the book (Al-Umda fi the virtues of poetry, its literature and its criticism), whose author embodied the spirit of his era and gave a clear picture of some events in the form A minority's literature expands history in a way that historians or those interested in history could not provide, so it was truly a source and source for students of history. The aim of this research is to study the most prominent historical narrations contained in Al-Umda's book and then verify their authenticity in historical sources.

