Al-Suyudi' Grammatical Doctrine and his Approval of the Grammatical Lesson in his Book, AL-Taj Fi I’irab Mushkil Al-Minhaj Grammaratical Study

Al-Suyudi' Grammatical Doctrine and his Approval of the Grammatical Lesson in his Book, AL-Taj Fi I’irab Mushkil Al-Minhaj Grammaratical Study


  • Assistant Professor: Bakr Abdul Majid Thamer ( Ph.D.) Al-Iraqia University / College of Arts
  • Researcher: Ola Fadhil Abdullah Al-Iraqia University / College of Arts



Keywords: Doctrine, Approval, The grammarian


 This research aims to reveal the opinions and issues in which Jalal al-Din al-Suyudi agreed with the grammarians (Basiran's, kufis and some of important figures in the grammar lesson), which he attributed to him in his book (The Crown in the expression of the problem of the curriculum), and to study these issues and opinions to determine their truth and the truth of the opinions attributed to them. Moreover, are these issues suitable to be controversial in the first place and where there is a dispute between the two sects, or do they represent the opinions and jurisprudence of the scholars of the two sects or the scholars of the same doctrine and was Al-Suyudi successful in agreeing with them and saying what they say and following up on these issues that he mentioned. This research came to reveal to us the answers to these and other questions and from God is success.

