The Methodology for the Explainer Abu Al-Abbas Ahmad bin Khalid Al-Nasseri (D1315H) in His Book

The Methodology for the Explainer Abu Al-Abbas Ahmad bin Khalid Al-Nasseri (D1315H) in His Book


  • Prof. Abbas Hamid Sultan Al-Samaraie ( Ph.D.) Al-Iraqia University / College of Arts
  • The Researcher Murtadha Salim Abdullah Habib Al-Iraqia University / College of Arts



• Key words: (Al-Nasiri methodology, the explainer, Zahru al-Afnan(


The research includes an analysis of the methodology of the commentator Abu Al-Abbas Al-Nasiri (D1315H) in his explanation of (Zahru al-Afnan min hadiqati Ibn al-Wannan), which is an explanation of the well-known poem (Al-Shamqamqiyya) by Ibn al-Wannan (D1187H). The researcher has discussed the commentator's approach after introducing the commentator and his commentary. The researcher has highlighted several aspects of the commentator's methodology, including his attention to grammatical rules, his use of referral, elaboration, and expansion on certain topics while being concise on others. The researcher also points out the commentator's interest in various Arabic dialects and his focus on grammatical controversies. Additionally, the researcher discusses other aspects of the commentator's approach, such as his blending of syntax and conjugation, issues related to spelling and calligraphy, as well as his approach to transmission. In terms of transmission, the commentator's citations are both direct and indirect, sometimes mentioning the intermediary source and sometimes omitting it. The research also delves into the commentator's stance regarding the transmitted material.

