The grammatical reasoning in the interpretation of the symbols of the treasures of Al-Rasani

The grammatical reasoning in the interpretation of the symbols of the treasures of Al-Rasani


  • Nahed Ahmed Ibrahim ( Ph.D.) المديرية العامة لتربية بغداد الكرخ الأولى



Keywords: Reasoning, symbols, ugliness, similarity, hatred


    Since the emergence of Arabic grammar at its inception, it was a service to the Holy Qur’an, and the grammar worker does not cease to cite some of the Qur’an, and this study is only a spring from the flow of the Holy Qur’an. Whoever reads his interpretation will find that he dealt with many grammatical issues. He benefited from grammar in clarifying the meaning, its capacity and exaggeration, and presented controversial issues, some of which were weighted, and stopped at the grammatical interpretation of deletion, introduction and delay, and presented the grammatical methods of interrogation, exception and negation, and he was explaining the grammatical issues with the ills and terms mentioned by the grammarians, and he proceeds in their explanations according to The grammatical extrapolation developed by the grammarians and proceeded according to its controls. going deeper than that; The grammarians went beyond the limits of observation, induction, and conclusion, to the stage of interpretation, interpretation, and justification of linguistic phenomena. and sometimes by referring to it, and despite the many studies that dealt with this interpretation with research and study, but they did not take this part of its interpretation in detail, so it was a reason for our interest in the grammatical study, and the theories surrounding it, including the theory of origins and branches in Arabic grammar; And because of the importance of the grammatical defect in knowing the origins and depth of grammatical thinking, and the extent of its ability to deal with grammatical issues, we went to this study. This is what prompted Dr. Tammam Hassan to say that the specialized grammar student needs this type of books and literature. In order to be able to return each branch to its origin, and thus, in his opinion, Arabic grammar will be simple in structure, consistent in composition, and logical in thinking.

