The effect of using metacognitive strategies on developing future thinking skills in history among outstanding students in the intermediate stage

The effect of using metacognitive strategies on developing future thinking skills in history among outstanding students in the intermediate stage


  • Dr .kanade Yaseen Saud المديرية العامة لتربية الرصافة / 2 مركز البحوث والدراسات



Keywords: metacognitive strategies - future thinking skills



Research objective: The effect of using metacognitive strategies in developing future thinking skills in history among outstanding students in the intermediate stage

The research used the following materials and tools: Research materials, a list of future thinking skills and its impact on metacognitive strategies), research tools and testing future thinking skills The research group consisted of (33) outstanding students at Bismaya School, and the list in its final form included (5) main skills and (12) sub-skills.

The following results were reached:

There are statistically significant differences at the level (0.05) between the mean scores of the experimental group students in the pre and post applications of the future thinking skills test as a whole and in its sub-dimensions of the post application scores.

