Self-Efficacy and its Relationship to Social Confrontation With Educational Counselors

Self-Efficacy and its Relationship to Social Confrontation With Educational Counselors


  • Dr. Iman Daoud Awad وزارة التربية – تربية بغداد الرصافة الاولى



Keywords: chemical weathering, model, techniques, indicator.



      Research summary: The current research aims to identify:

1- The level of self-efficacy among educational counselors.

2- Differences in the level of self-efficacy according to the variables (gender and years of service)

3- The level of social confrontation among educational counselors.

4 - Differences in the level of social confrontation according to the variables (gender and years of service)

5 - The correlation between self-efficacy and social confrontation among educational counselors.

  The current research was limited to educational counselors from the education directorates of Baghdad Governorate (Rusafa and Karkh) for the academic year 2023-2024.

Theoretical framework: The current research reviewed the theories adopted in constructing and interpreting the results.

For the purpose of achieving the objectives of the current research, the researcher carried out the following procedures: -

1 - Adopting the researcher’s self-efficacy scale (Al-Khafaji  2013).

2 - Constructing a measure of social confrontation, adopting Perils’ theory (Perils 1970)

 Psychometric properties were used with the two scales, where the apparent validity of the two scales was extracted, and the discriminatory power of the items and the relationship of the item score to the total score of the scale was extracted for both scales and individually after applying the two scales to a statistical analysis sample of (200) male and female counselors, and reliability was extracted for both scales and each individually in different ways. They are: split-half, Cronbach, and retest. The above two measures were applied to the research sample, which amounted to (200) male and female counselors during the period from 10 to 20/11/2023.

The following results were reached:

 1 - The research results showed that counselors have self-efficacy compared to the hypothesized average of the scale.

2- The results of the research showed that educational counselors have the ability to confront socially.

3 - The results showed that there is a significant positive correlation between self-efficacy and social confrontation among educational counselors. The researcher presented some recommendations and suggestions.

Keywords : self-efficacy - social confrontation - educational counselors

