Digital indicators of chemical weathering

Digital indicators of chemical weathering


  • Prof. Nebras Abbas Yas ( Ph.D.) Al-Iraqia University / College of Arts
  • Researcher .Susan Wissam Nouri Al-Iraqia University / College of Arts



Keywords: chemical weathering, model, techniques, indicator.




It became clear through the research that the distribution of the indicator (WIP) varied within the study area, and it is noted that the lowest values were in the southern sections within the study area, as it reached (6683.8-18635.7), while the highest values were distributed in the northern and northeastern sections with values amounting to (205848, 8-349455,2), while the values of the (V) index are variable in the study area, and the distribution of the index of the lowest values was in the southern sections within the study area, as it amounts to (0.01-0.03), while the highest values are distributed in the northern and northeastern sections and part of the southern sections with values It reached  0.27-0.18

It also became clear that the distribution of the CIA indicator values varied within the study area. It is evident from map (5) that the lowest values were in the central parts of the study area, reaching (0.54 -6.06), while the highest values were distributed in the northern and northeastern regions and part of the southern regions with values It reached (20.06 - 22.70), as for the distribution of the (PIA) index values. It is noted that the lowest values were in the southern sections within the study area, as they amounted to (0.54 -6.06), while the highest values were distributed in the northern, northeastern and part of the northwestern sections, with values amounting to (20.06 -22.70(

Finally, according to the final classification, the region was divided into five categories that were relied upon, starting with very severe weathering, which is concentrated in the northern and northeastern regions, followed by severe weathering, then medium weathering, then weathering, and finally very weak weathering.

