Study of the relative change in reflected radiation in the city of Baghdad

Study of the relative change in reflected radiation in the city of Baghdad


  • Prof. Ali Mahdi ( Ph.D.) Al-Iraqia University / College of Arts
  • Researcher Asma Kazem Nasser Al-Iraqia University / College of Arts



Keywords: change, radiation, Baghdad city



     The subject of this study was “study of the relative change in reflected radiation in the city of Baghdad.” This study came to clarify the concept and characteristics of solar radiation, and then the study aimed to reveal the factors affecting reflected radiation in the study area, while the study reached a geo-climatic analysis of the characteristics of total and angular solar radiation. The fall of radiation to the surface of the Earth, analysis of the theoretical and actual brightness, then relative humidity and water vapor pressure, leading to knowing the variation of the values ​​of inverse radiation and its relative change in the city of Baghdad and for the period (1988-2020).

