Communist parties in Burkina Faso A study of the circumstances of the founding stage and political programmes1983-1987

Communist parties in Burkina Faso A study of the circumstances of the founding stage and political programmes1983-1987


  • Assistant Professor: Ahmed Mohammed Jasim Abed جامعة ديالى – كلية التربية الأساسية



Keywords: Africa, Burkina Faso, Communist Parties




  The communist political parties and movements in Burkina Faso played a major role in the political life of the country, through their influence in shaping internal and foreign policy for the period 1983-1987. The country witnessed the spread of communist movements and parties following the coup of August 4, 1983, which was carried out by a number of affected officers. With communist ideas, the country thus became a gateway to leftist movements, and many communist parties were founded that were able to be influential in political life, as a result of their large popular bases, as they struggled to get rid of the consequences of colonialism and its effects, and were able to implement their reform programs through their participation in power, However, most of these programs were not implemented properly due to the lack of homogeneity among the members of these parties.                                                    

             The study reached a number of results, including: that the communist parties witnessed multiple internal splits, and they were for various reasons, including ideological and personal, because some of the members of those parties were not loyal to a global or philosophical doctrine or to a specific country, but they were loyal to the interests of their country, and some of those parties It turned into a fierce opposition after leaving the government, and played a role in the November 1987 coup.       

