Biography of Muhammad bin Abdullah Al-Azdi, author of the book "Futuh Al-Sham"

Biography of Muhammad bin Abdullah Al-Azdi, author of the book "Futuh Al-Sham"


  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Laith Salah Noman Al-Ani Al-Iraqia University / College of Arts
  • Researcher Sarah Mohammed Zboon Mansour Al-Iraqia University / College of Arts



Keywords: Biography, Al-Azdi, Fattouh Al-Sham book.



It was witnessed in the second century of migration. The eighth century AD, a large-scale movement in the field of historical writing and the emergence of a number of Akhbaris and hadith narrators. Abu Ismail Muhammad bin Abdullah Al-Azdi Al-Basri (100-175 AH / 718-791 AD) is considered. The most prominent of the thousand in that period. However, due to the loss, damage, and loss of many sources in this era, only some books have reached us. Among them is the book "Futuh al-Sham" by al-Azdi. Therefore, it can be said that this book is the only one that deals with the conquests of the Levant in detail and some of the cities of Iraq. which is in our hands. Which contains in its pages many historical novels about the conquests of the Levant and Iraq. It is a historical and valuable book.

