Description of the Narrator as hlu Wa'ahlaa in the Book of aljurh w altaedil by Ibn Abi Hatim

Description of the Narrator as hlu Wa'ahlaa in the Book of aljurh w altaedil by Ibn Abi Hatim


  • Dr. Aisha bint Farag bin Ali Al-Ogla الأستاذ المشارك بقسم الكتاب والسنة كلية الدعوة وأصول الدين - جامعة أم القرى المملكة العربية السعودية



Key words: hulw alhadith,




This research focuses on studying the description of the narrator as " hlu Wa'ahlaa " in the book of aljurh w altaedil by Ibn Abi Hatim. The aim is to understand the meaning of the term "sweet and most beautiful" as applied to certain narrators, identify the narrators who were described with this term in the book of aljurh w altaedil, and analyze their status in terms of aljurh w altaedil.

This research includes studying the case of each narrator who was described by Ibn Abi Hatim with these two descriptions, and comparing the opinions of critics. The aim is to clarify the intended meaning behind Ibn Abi Hatim's description of hlu Wa'ahlaa "sweet and most beautiful."

In this research, I followed the inductive approach by collecting the narrators who were mentioned with this description in the book of aljurh w altaedil. Then, I used the analytical and critical approach by analyzing the opinions of critics regarding the narrator and comparing them. This led me to make a judgment on the status of the narrator. The research yielded several important findings, including:

  • The term "sweet of narration" does not indicate the reliability of the narrator, but it can be applied to both reliable and unreliable narrators.
  • Ibn Abi Hatim mentioned the term "most beautiful" in eight instances, mostly when comparing between two narrators, and in two instances without comparison.
  • Abu Hatim's opinion regarding the comparison and evaluation of narrators using the term "most beautiful" aligns with the opinions of other critics.
  • Abu Hatim uses the term "most beautiful" when comparing two individuals for the purpose of preference.

