The Meaning and its Impact on Ibn Uthaymeen's Grammatical Choices

The Meaning and its Impact on Ibn Uthaymeen's Grammatical Choices


  • Dr. Fatima Muhammad Tahir Hamed Associate Professor at Umm Al Qura University Faculty of Arabic Language and Literature, Department of Language, Grammar and Morphology



Keywords: Ibn Uthaymeen, explaining the book of monotheism, grammatical choices, linguistic phenomena, the meaning.


This research, titled "The Meaning and its Impact on Ibn Uthaymeen's Grammatical Choices" in his explanation of the book of monotheism by Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab, which is titled "The Beneficial Word in Explaining the Book of Monotheism". This book includes a large number of grammatical, morphological, and linguistic issues that Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen, may Allah have mercy on him, commented on and handled in a simple grammatical manner, demonstrating his grammatical approach based on simplicity and ease. His main reliance was on the meaning, therefore, I preferred to study these grammatical issues and clarify the Sheikh's approach in his choices and preferences among the grammatical opinions based on the disagreement between the Basrians and Kufans and which one he favors. This research came in two topics and a conclusion:

The first topic: The Meaning, which came in two demands:

The first theme: The origin of the meaning and its reality

The second theme: The impact of the meaning in interpreting linguistic phenomena

The second topic: The grammatical issues in the book "Explanation of Monotheism".

The issues came arranged according to what was mentioned in the book. This book is not dedicated to grammar and the grammatical issues came up incidentally.

Conclusion: It dealt with the most important results of the research that I reached, including:

  1. How knowledgeable the Sheikh, may Allah have mercy on him, was in grammar and his skill in it, as he was skilled in many other sciences.
  2. The Sheikh's keenness to simplify grammar for those who are not students of grammar, by providing an easy presentation to non-specialists.
  3. The Sheikh's avoidance of affectation and arbitrariness in his grammatical choices, and his knowledge of the principles of grammar facilitated that.
  4. The Sheikh is not committed to any school of thought, but he chooses from the schools what appears to him.

