Sibt Ibn al-Ajami and linguistic employment in his book Al-Hawashi on Sunan Ibn Majah

Sibt Ibn al-Ajami and linguistic employment in his book Al-Hawashi on Sunan Ibn Majah


  • Prof.yousif khalaf Mahel (Ph.D.) Al-Iraqia University / College of Arts
  • Saleh Suleiman Saleh Al-Iraqia University / College of Arts



Key words: sbt ibn al-ajami, Language Recruitment, sunnan ibn maja , kitab al-hawashi


This research aims to explain the important role played by a scholar of hadith in employing the language at all levels to serve the honorable hadith of the Prophet and the effects of the Companions in the book of footnotes on the Sunnah of Ibn Majah for the grandson of Ibn al-Ajami, and this was represented in the sounds, in the morphological structure, in the grammatical structure, and in the lexical significance And the statement that the language of the hadeeth is a broad language that includes under it all the dialects of the Arabs. This includes directing words and controlling their meaning and purposes as for the grammatical issues, they were employed in explaining the aspects of syntax that appear in the grammatical structures through the load on the meaning or through the difference of the language contained in the utterance. It has a role in the richness and breadth of the language


