Patterning in English Written Medical Leaflets

Patterning in English Written Medical Leaflets


  • Assistant Instructor Eman Riyadh Adeeb English Department-College of Education of Human Sciences - University of Diyala
  • Assistant Instructor Ahmed Adel Nouri English Department-College of Education of Human Sciences - University of Diyala


The process of patterning is very common andimportant among grammarians. The term "pattern" iswidely used to refer to the basic elements which composethe final form of the sentence (Greenbaum1991:56 andGlauner 2002:70). The term "pattern " is used to applygenerally to the basic unit of any language .The analysis of this paper is mainly based on "Quirket al.,'s model". This model is basically a strict syntacticclassification which has seven patterns. The pattern is thestructure which consists of the basic elements: Subject(henceforth S), verb (henceforth V), and the othercomplements (direct object (O) , complement (C), andadverb (A).



