Patterns of Iraqi Audience Use of Electronic Newspapers " A Survey Study"

Patterns of Iraqi Audience Use of Electronic Newspapers " A Survey Study"


  • الأستاذ المساعد الدكتور سعد كاظم حسن جامعة بغداد/ كلية الاعلام


Electronic Journalism has many features that distinguish it from othertraditional media. It conbines elements of reading, audio and visual in one way. Thismeans that users use multiple modes and process.Determining the patterns of the use of electronic press by members of thepublic is very important to the communicators and the administrations of thesenewspapers because it is important to identify the ways in which users deal with thecontent and interact of use of electronic journalism by the public.This research studies the patterns of the Iraqi public's use of electronicnewspaper and their identifications and how they with the various media arts theycontain by conducting a survey of a sample of users of these newspaper


