Evaluation of the efficiency of the industrial performance of the Mansour factory in Kadhimiya district - Baghdad governorate "Analytical study for the period 2010-2015"

Evaluation of the efficiency of the industrial performance of the Mansour factory in Kadhimiya district - Baghdad governorate "Analytical study for the period 2010-2015"


  • الدكتور أركان ريسان عباس الجامعة المستنصرية / كلية التربية الاساسية / قسم الجغرافية


Factory Mansour role industrially and economically important in the production of certainindustries, albeit limited, but the Iraqi market requirements in dire need of such industries,since a decade and the plant suffers from a lack of the possibility of exporting its products,which greatly affected the profitability so that it is unable to develop its capabilitiesproductivity and expansion in the field of competition.The research aims to study and analyze the geographical impact of the ingredients in theresettlement process within the district of Kadhimiya center, as well as its efficient plantperformance and diagnose deviations for the period (2010-2015) in order to identify thestrengths and weaknesses of relying on some of the indicators to give a clear picture of theextent of efficiency and the ability to output .


