The possibility of generating electricity from the sun and wind in Anbar city stations to achieve future development

The possibility of generating electricity from the sun and wind in Anbar city stations to achieve future development


  • الأستاذ المساعد الدكتور يونس هندي عليوي جامعة الانبار / مركز الدراسات الاستراتيجية
  • الأستاذ المساعد الدكتور عادل رشيد حسين جامعة الانبار / كلية التربية للبنات


This study deals with the analysis of the unused sources of energy in Al-AnbarGovernorate in terms of their concept, importance and potential for investment in theproduction of electric power, based on the problem and the hypothesis of research andfinally reaching the environmental possibilities available for investing these sources ofsolar and wind energy in the study area. A vision for the future investment ofrenewable energy sources and its role in creating new projects to promote economicactivities that contribute to the achievement of sustainable development in Anbarprovince. The study concluded with a number of conclusions and recommendations


