Arab oil and its impact on British - American relations during the twentieth century

Arab oil and its impact on British - American relations during the twentieth century


  • Dr. Hamed Hamid Kazem Al-Rasheed University College / Department of History


The importance of the Middle East being located inthe heart of the ancient world and strategic niche thatplayed a role in the wars and conflicts that have takenplace in the region, after the discovery of oil turnedinternational attention from the site to the wealth buriedin the land, which extended its impact on the economiesof the world industrial and agricultural advanced andbackward is greater than conventional wars.The outbreak of the First World War Britishinfluence reached maximum degree in the area of thecoast of Oman in particular and the Gulf in general. Theobjective of the First World War tearing the Ottoman-German alliance and prevent Germany from access toMiddle East oil. The aim was to stop the escalatingeconomic awful to Germany after being replaced coal inthe operation of their ships to oil Vhakqgua big scoop onthe British fleet. The political goal was tearing theOttoman Empire and the liberalization of the Europeanparts of them and give them independence while theoccupation of the Arab parts of them!...Britain felt that its presence in the Arabian Gulf is anational interest and became part of its strategy, butremain a superpower, and the strategy to prevent astronger European country politically and economically.The continued excellence of British influence in theGulf and increased established after the end of the FirstWorld War because of war conditions and developmentsled to the strengthening of the foundations of the BritishstrateFirst topic: topic addressed the topic of the Arab oiland the western competition to control it, and had to gothe British about it has been linked to British nationalinterests and promised a strategic objective in its foreignpolicy. So British competition intensified with other Western countries, and fought the First World War forcontrol of the oil resources of the British oil company _Persian then British oil company _ Turkish. And droveout the Ottoman state, which is one of the Axis powers inWorld War One. After its occupation of the region,including Iraq and the Arabian Gulf and the bets thatlinked them to Britain in creating crises between nationsthe occupied and between nations Her wealth, includingthe problem of Mosul in Iraq.The second topic: the U.S. approach and includedrace with Britain to acquire the region's oil wealth andaccess to privileges extraction, production and export sodependent on its economic growth and steady growthafter World War One. Using this variety of methods inorder to consolidate its presence in the region and in theworld. Taking advantage of this crisis that befell thosethat participated in the first World War and after theSecond World War.The third topic: it highlighted the privileges of oiland the emergence of competing British American inorder to get greater benefits and maintain them, and thento control the oil resources as taking conflict oil betweenBritain and the United States new images and dimensionlargest has exploited the U.S. World War II to expand itsinfluence widely in Iraq The study also included aconclusion and a list of sources and references


