The degree of inclusion of the book of literature and texts for the fourth grade in the literary skills of critical thinking in Iraq (An analytical study)

The degree of inclusion of the book of literature and texts for the fourth grade in the literary skills of critical thinking in Iraq (An analytical study)


  • المدرس المساعد ساكن عواد جاسم الدليمي وزارة التربية - العراق


The study aimed to know the extent of inclusion of the book ofliterature and texts for the fourth grade in the literary skills of criticalthinking in Iraq. The sample of the study consisted of a book of literature andtexts for the fourth grade literary. The researcher analyzed the contents of thebook to reveal critical thinking skills contained in it, and to calculate theirfrequencies and percentages. The results of the study showed that the book ofliterature and texts for the fourth grade included 19 sub-skills of criticalthinking, repeated 333 times, divided into five main skills: the skill ofidentifying assumptions, the skill of interpretation, the skill of conclusion, theskill of analysis, and the skill of evaluation. The results showed that the skillof the conclusion was ranked first with a frequency of (191) times (57.35%)of the total skills. The skill of interpretation came second with 82 recurrenceswith 24.62% , And the skill of the calendar came in the third place with afrequency of (24) times by (7.20%) of the total skills, and the skill ofidentifying the assumptions in the fourth place was repeated (23) times by(6.90%), The fifth rank was repeated (13) times by (3.90%). In the light ofthe results, the researcher made a number of related recommendations.Key words: skill, thinking, critical thinking skills.


