Feminine dominance And its influence on the construction of Abbasid women's hair

Feminine dominance And its influence on the construction of Abbasid women's hair


  • الدكتور عبد الله حمود شرميوط الجامعة العراقية / كلية العلوم الإسلامية


The legist were interested in apportioning the general of practice term however, theywere different in the field of the practice of specialization and its rules. This is why,the legists stressed on showing the practice concerned and its conditions. Even thepractice reformed some legal texts. So, some texts were torn apart while the audienceconcerned it in general comparative verbal practice others. Went on saying that theverbal and non-verbal practice were included when it was compared to general one.As for the urgent practice, it does not customize the general text and some scholars inthe field were not agreeing on it completely. For this reasons the research was carriedout.


