The role of the Bank de Roma in implementing the policy of peaceful penetration to support the Italian colonial approach in Tripoli, the West and Cyrenaica

The role of the Bank de Roma in implementing the policy of peaceful penetration to support the Italian colonial approach in Tripoli, the West and Cyrenaica


  • الأستاذ المساعد الدكتور عصام خليل محمد إبراهيم الصالحي AL-Iraqia University-College of Arts


After its failed experiment in Abysinia , by the end of the 19 th century, Italian governmentaimed dropping the direct military colonial style , and applying peaceful in filtrating in bothwestern Tripoli & Barqa . It has chosen with the beginning of the 20 th century , The Bank ofDi Roma , to implement this policy . This Bank indeed managed , to extend its power over life'sEconomic , Trade & Cultural aspects . And to become the first Financial Force in WesternTripoli & Barqa , despite that , Severe opposition showed by Ottoman Empire , that soonacknowledged the effectiveness and use of all activities and construction works , theestablishing of service projects , that Ottomans were incapable to offer to locals .The Bank was able , to reach all the levels of society in Tripoli & Barqa , and to have them tohis side , and to make them accept the peaceful Italian existence , Thanks to grand facilitiesgiven to people , worked on changing their life style , whom sensed the huge differencesbetween what occupying Ottoman Authority offered and what has the Bank offered .Bank has interfered in establishing grand farmlands , cattle raising and factories building ofdifferent types , easy – term loans were given to people & enterprises . Underground waterwere provided almost everywhere , flour factories were established , also constructedelementary and primary schools , hospitals , health centers and orphanages opened the wayvastly before trade including imports & Exports ,Also established maritime & land transportcompanies both inner & abroad , it allocated part of its capital in excavating minerals , as wellas asigning archaeoloyists to dig for artifacts . Thus Bank of Rome succeeded immensely inexecuting peaceful infiltration policy , were more than 650 thousands Italian immigrantsmanaged finding foothold in Tripoli and Barqa , before the military invasion in S


