The manifestations of social life in the Dulaim Brigade (1945-1958)

The manifestations of social life in the Dulaim Brigade (1945-1958)


  • المدرس المساعد عدي نجم عبدالله حسين القيسي مديرية تربية الانبار


The social aspect of the Al-Dulaim Brigade is one of the most important subjects that interestresearchers because they directly affect the lives of people. It has been characterized by socialfeatures, most of which still exist within the customs, traditions and social activities common inthe Dulaim Brigade. Therefore, we highlight the brigade in the period after the end of WorldWar II until the revolution of 4 July 1958.The topics were devoted to the study of the generalaspects of social life that reflected the reality of the society in the Dulaim Brigade, its nature,the living characteristics of its social strata and the extent of its interaction. Dulaimi familycustoms and relations as one of the solid foundations in the construction and social cohesion,and show the keenness of the people of the brigade to preserve them. Being inspired by theirbeliefs and public morals. While myths, legends, and tales reflect the narrowness of intellectualhorizons and social perception and their role in the formation of a personality with a mentalitycharacterized by naiveté and simplicity. These included the nature of the social life in which theMajor General lives and interacts with their rites and holidays. And their food and clothing. .As for the Bedouin in the houses, they formed a social image that illustrates the social cohesionbetween the various constituent groups in the Dulaim society in general, and clothing andfashion is a clear reflection of the characteristics of the dalimic personality. As for thejudiciary, it is the most important legal authority to adjudicate and decide on social relations.Especially personal situations as well as issues and issues affecting the Dulaimi community.Therefore, the courts of justice are the main president in the organization of the movement ofthe society of the brigade and streamlined in accordance with the requirements of Islamic law.The police also played a role in enhancing the continuity and cohesion of the community in thebrigade and strengthening its ties inside and outside the city, both in its positive and negativeaspects.


