Dualism of family at Ancient Gods

Dualism of family at Ancient Gods


  • المدرس عادل فائق رشيد AL-Iraqia University-College of Arts


Dualism at the ancient gods represented a reflex for the nature of the newagricultural society whom characteristics become clear with the beginning ofthe new stone age and the evolve and developing of rainfall agriculture andthe troubles beholds specially lack of sediment nutrients, urge the need tohave a God who is specialized with fertility and thus was the creation ofmother goddess, since symmetry represents an aesthetic value and thatperfection is utterly needed to have both male & female to achieve perfectionand the fact that the agricultural families and any other family cannot becreated without masculine & feminist, thus was sacristy of gods and made itsimilar to human and made wife for each god and sometimes more than onewife.The study is divided on two chapters, were the first is dedicated to debatedualism at the ancient Iraqi gods while the second chapter is dedicated tostudy dualism at the neighboring nations like ancient Egyptians, Shamans andMongols.


