Prophetic administration of the state

Prophetic administration of the state


  • الدكتور سرمد احمد جاسم الجامعة العراقية / مركز التعليم المستمر


The image of the first state was not that clear and its shape was not formed in theperfect way. However, we have to confess and admit that it was described as the firstindication of building as a state was based on firm pillars and clear map so as to forma political the political state.So, the prophetic leadership was a religious command represented by the prophethimself and it was a wise political leadership represented by the political man who isinterested in running the internal and external affairs of the country.Besides, the prophet paid attention to aspects of leadership on the internal andexternal levels.Furthermore, forming an Islamic- political field was not an easy task in accordancewith the current circumstances and data which presented.Then, the link between religion and politics in the process of building managed toimpose itself upon the group although it witnessed a cracial answer in the propheticera.


