Contemplations in the Palm

Contemplations in the Palm


  • الأستاذ الدكتور أ. د. زياد علي الفهداوي AL-Iraqia University-College of Arts


To highlight the greatness of Allah in the palm, I bring forth this research “Ijaz in the Palm”. Thus, I dividethe paper into three parts:1. The first part introduces the palm.2. The second part brings forth the elucidations of the scholars.3. The third part explains the medical and economic benefits of the palm as the following:A. Medical benefits of the palmB. Economic benefits of the palmI relied on collecting all the Quranic verses in which the palm or anything related to it is mentioned,studying them, and then bringing forth the attitudes of the scholars.I also mentioned the title of the book, the page number, and the author in the list of references.To reach to reliable results, I went back to major books in the fields of language, tafseer, Ijaz, and plants.The results of the study are:1. The study shows that plants and trees have feelings and speaks to nearby plants. Americanresearchers have affirmed that plants can feel the pain and produce pain-killer. Plants also warn otherplants by producing a certain material.This truth refutes the skeptics and non-believers in the compassion of the palm branch with ProphetMohammad (PBUH) when they wondered how plants could feel.Many scientists proved that plants are living beings with complete capacities just like humans andanimals. Dr. Robert Filler proved that plants speak remotely and Dr. Victor Adamnco confirmed thatthe phenomenon that plants can speak from a distance of over 100 miles. A Soviet scientist, F. N.Yoshkin, and Virgil proved the romantic communication between plants and humans.2. The greatness of Allah shows the benefits of the trees and plants in general and particularly the treeswhich are mentioned in the Holy Quran. One must be thankful to Allah as He prepared everything tomake this life perfectly livable.3. The study emphasizes the importance of directing people to the aesthetics of trees, flowers, andplants.4. The study also indicates that wasting some money for the benefit of the rest of the money is allowedand reasonable. This has been done when our Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) cut and burned somepalms of Bani Alnadeer and then when they asked him to leave them and let them go and that theywould give him all the money on the backs of the camels.


