Islamic culture in modern Russian literature "Tolstoy model"

Islamic culture in modern Russian literature "Tolstoy model"


  • الأستاذ المساعد الدكتور أ.م.د. هيثم عباس سالم الجامعة ذي قار / كلية الآداب


The Islamic culture represented a phenomenon in the new Russian literature whichis associated with the history of Russia renaissance and connected with the founder ofnew Russia Caesar ( Peter the greatest ) at the end of the eighteenth century .The researcher has paid attention to the distinguished figures of the Russian literatureand the influence of the Islamic culture on their works .The first section of the research dealt with two more prominent personalites. The firstone is ( Poshkin 1799-1837) whom the Russian critics called ( sun of the Russian poetry)and ( beginning of the beginnings) since he was the real founder of this literature . Thesecond one is ( Lermontov 1814-1841) who was one of the most famous prominent poetsin the modern times after Pushkin. Sometimes he was called ( The poet of Caucasus) . Herepresented the romantic stage of the new Russian Literature and his works dealt withdifferent fields such as poetry , short story , poetic story and drama . The second sectiondiscussed ( Tolestoy 1828 - 1910) and the most important stages of his life , humanityand moderation in addition to his most necessary works that gained a world reputationsuch as ( war and peace) , ( Anna karenina) and ( revival) in addition to other works .The research also dealt with the influence of the Islamic culture on Tolestoy 's works . Abook called ( wisdoms of prophet Muhemmed ), which was written in Russian byTolastoy, was found It was a translation of some of prophet Muhemmed's sayings fromEnglish . The researcher observed other appearances of Islamic culture in Tolestoy'sworks when he wrote the story ( Donyashka and forty thieves ) which is fully identical tothe story of ( Alibaba and forty thieves) in addition to other appearances of stories thatare similar to others in the Islamic and Arab heritage


