"The case" in the book Riyad righteous Imam al-Nawawi (676 AH) Grammatical study

"The case" in the book Riyad righteous Imam al-Nawawi (676 AH) Grammatical study


  • المدرس المساعد طالب غضيوي حسين


Praise be to Allah the Lord of the worlds and may the blessings and peace ofAllah be upon the most honored of messengers our master Muhammad and upon allhis family and companion. This is a study of Adverb in Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)Hadith in (Riadh Al-Saliheen) book by Imam An-Nawawi (may Allah have mercy onThe study consists Research Summary and also it contains a simple explain of him ).Hadith that being the second source of Islamic legislation after the Nobel Quran , OurThe paper .Immortal Book that Falsehood cannot come at it from before or behind itof Legitimacy, grammatically and also focuses on the Hadith from the ways.linguistically, and explains. Riadh Al-Saliheen) book and clarification of the authorAnd declare the adverb , linguistically and contextually, kinds of adverbs , importanceof adverb , derivation adverb and fixed adverb , singular adverb , sentences' adverb .and then the conclusion , research verbal factors and moral factors. phrase's adverb ,I ask Allah to help us Then Indexing topics. results and List of sources and referencesto his good and good consequences that he is capable of it.


