Feminine dominance And its influence on the construction of Abbasid women's hair


  • الأستاذ الدكتور عباس عبيد كزار AL-Iraqia University-College of Arts


The poems of Abbasid era female-poets were described as a criterion for the main stream tendsin the Abbasid era on the social, political and cultural levels with regard to the position ofwomen. So, a lot of female-poets of Abbasid era wrote poems with sincere passion to expressreal feeling forwards vivid emotion from their inner passion. So, this feeling described asaffective tendency in expressing passion with reference to someone died, it was described as,an image of a lover and she can't reach the one she wants as the most, or nervousness , pain andcomplains as a result of social borders surrounded by her. So, the poems written by the femalepoetsrepresented a turning point perhaps, this helped show that is able to write poetry. Themost important feature of this spontaneous behavior and not to mention the simplicity oflanguage expressed by them so as to underline the emotional heart of women filled beautifulworm feelings. So, this method was away from the ones employed by female-poets of perviousera because they were difficult to be pronounced and they resorted to masculine approach instatement. The female poetry is part of human culture and it was reflected on the old conflictbetween ancient and modern in replacing the values that they were based on one hand, one theother hand, it has shortage as a result of the nature of the conflict where the Arab-Islamiccommunity have come across so, most of female-Abbasid poets did not give up on their causetowards masculine culture in structuring the text. Where we find that these poems express theircultural views


