Poetic image in the poetry of the judges of Andalusia in the age of the children of Red (635 – 897)


  • Dr. Abid Mahmood Abid Anbar University / College of Arts
  • الدكتور مزهر صالح حسين Dr. MizhirSalih Hussain Tikrit University / College of Education


This research studies the music hair when Suheim Abdul brown Al_hushac a studyaims to discover the musical characteristics of his poetry by relying on poetic textscontained in his office, where addressed those texts study and analysis, statistics andidentify musical phenomena especially pertaining to the poetic weight and that hasspread dramatically within texts of poetry, the study showed supplies musical externaland internal two sections to show the musical tone that contributed to the cohesionand coherence of poetry, giving his poems together to build, which helped him tobroadcast his feelings and his vision for the recipient without having to deviate fromthe essence of rhythm uncommon in his time and that's what made the rhythm of hispoems taste and taste distinct. Nature of the study has necessitated the division ofresearch into two sections: the first Study of foreign music weight and rhyme, and theStudy of the internal music of Paljnas and repetition and Altbara ... As a result of thisstudy harmony poetic rhythm House and the nature of the position that made him hispoems, and break the monotony and stereotypes through employment intensive forsleds, which helped to extend the rhythm and diversification as well as internalrhythmic music Bouhdath diverse and that allowed the poet ample room for Bouhabout his thoughts and feelings of Interior

