Waves of Jewish immigration to Palestine until 1948

Waves of Jewish immigration to Palestine until 1948


  • Dr. Walid Abboud Mohamed University of Baghdad / College of Education - Ibn Rushd
  • عبير وفيق شفيق University of Baghdad / College of Education - Ibn Rushd


The research tries through the vision of Contemporaryelucidation fact methods adopted by the Zionistmovement supported by Western countries, especiallyBritain and the United States to achieve its objectives,particularly through the waves of immigration toPalestine until 1948, following the beginnings whichstarted first from Russia and continued until 1903, andwhat are the important developments that accompaniedthe second wave of the years (1904 - 1918) and theresults of?The discussion dealt with the nature of the patternof immigrants who were on the third wave of the years(1919 - 1923) and increases in the numbers under thelicensing procedures so? And the extent to which theZionist movement succeeded in ensuring the continuedflow of immigration during the fourth wave of the years(1924 - 1931) and the nature of the difficultiesencountered?Search and care dimensions of the rise of Nazismand fascism in the thirties of the twentieth century, whichcame the final outcome in favor of the Zionist movementthrough the continuation of the escalating migration fifthsignificantly for the years (1933 - 1939)? And reveal thenature of the new method which was applied in the waveof immigration sixth and last for the years (1939 - 1948),who knew clandestine migration completes for itsprevious waves aimed at establishment of a Jewish entityat the expense of Palestinian history and land and people?


