Aesthetic Beauly Prophetic Stories Stylistic study on the syntactic level


  • Professor Dr. Muthanna Naeem Hammadi AL-Iraqia University-College of Arts
  • researcher Muayed Yahya Kassem AL-Iraqia University-College of Arts


Prophetic story is defined as one of the forms of prophetic expressions used to convey themessage and notify people. And it had a vital impact upon people passion and attract theirattention towards Islamic teachings where prophet (PTBOH) counted on the effect of theglorious Qur'anic in embodying the dogma and ethical values and form them in framework ofan interesting story. This is why; it was described as a very successful method used to informpeople and it was defined as one of the best styles of the prophet (PTBOH). For this reason, Iwanted to carry out a study with regard to the topic whose explanation is mentioned above. So,it is about observing the stylistic manifestation and the implications of the prophetic Hadeethwithin the topic mentioned below: Aesthetic beauty of prophetic stories: stylistic study onsyntactical level, where we wanted to achieve goals, the most importantly, highlighting thepriority prophetic impact where we can deduct the Aesthetic beauties, eloquences and rhetoricalones with employment of the expressions depending on linguistic and grammatical data.

