Civil protection of the national product of commercial dumping


  • Ali Fawzi Al-Mosawi جامعة بغداد / كلية القانون
  • عبير سامي هادي جامعة بغداد/ كلية القانون


The Freedom Trade and The Principle of Access to theMarket is the dominant feature in the Local andInternational Scope and the Work of these Principlesrequires the Lifting of restrictions and obstacles thathinder the Freedom Trade exchanges and Limit themovement of Product .therefore , It preventingAgreements GATT (General Conventions on Tariff AndTrade).all signatory States impose such operational measures onproducts entering their Market, which opposes the basison which its provisions held of him. But Lifting ofrestrictions and obstacles perfume to emergence illegalcommercial manure, injure the domestic producer issuedfrom another countries producer profiteer from liftingTariff restrictions and access to the Market to Dumpedthese countries of products seals less of price fordomination of their Market and control later ThereforeCommercial Dumping illegal in the Internationalcommercial relationships ,always take place when theforeign producers and importers illegal competitionDomestic producers by seals the like product at less thannormal value or cost in another country, Its perfumenegative effects for the Domestic producer , consumerand foreign investment too, So there , legislator must beintervene to confrontation commercial Dumpingcrackdown which give right to obligate Extra Duty unlessnormal duty against exports in the State


