The impact of the Bosporus and Dardanelles to change the British position of Russian war - Ottoman Empire 1877-1878


  • Ahmed Nateq Ibrahem جامعة بغداد/ كلية الاداب


RPR international situation in the European continent afterParis 1856 conference, and until the outbreak of war, Russian-Ottoman (1877-1878) degradation, since cropped up during that eracrises and revolutions and wars of several varied causes, he dividedthem was a colonial, and other national reasons, and representedthe Balkans Ottoman one the most dangerous flashpoints in theEuropean continent, it has become a matter of survival of theOttoman Empire and its regions sprawling during and after the war,of the most complex problems in men of European diplomaticpowers policies.That this research is to study the political pursued by theBritish government to bring the war Russian-Ottoman, since theannouncement of Russia's war against the Ottoman Empire in thenineteenth of April 1877, and until the parties sign the combatantsof the Treaty of San Stefano San Stefano, on the third of March,1878. The point the President around which this research is: whatthe British reaction to the progress of Russian troops from thecapital Istanbul and the Ottoman Straits (the Bosporus and theDardanelles)? To illustrate this central point raised several points:the extent to which Russian diplomacy in neutralizing the Britishside has succeeded? Then why the British position changed fromneutral to escalation? Is the British government maintained andrespected the treaties and agreements related to the question of theStraits? Why Britain refused truce peace Russian- Ottoman? Thereason for doing the introduction of its warships in the Strait ofDardanelles? The objectives of this? Then what the reaction of theRussian government towards this? And finally how the Ottomangovernment had acted under the weakness and collapse of thetroops?


