Directions of the Caliphate Abu Bakr Alsidiq as to conquer Iraq and the Sham Countries


  • Omar Abdullah Abdul Aziz الجامعة العراقية / كلية التربية


Has emerged in the Arab-Muslim history a large numberof leading political, military and intellectual figures whohave contributed to the enrichment of this history and themany business and honorable positions achievements,and have been credited and a head start in thoseachievements recorded on the pages of history, after thatof God on them by faith, fortitude and Jihad hascommissioned Caliph Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleasedwith him) people for the Liberation of Iraq and theLevant, and thus began the liberation of Iraq and theLevant wars during his reign, and was found through thestudy he was credited with the organization of theMuslim forces in Iraq and the Levant, standardization andunification of leadership and assuming leadership, andput it to the troops a new mobilization, and this Armyrepresents the first launch of Arabic Islamic outside theArabian Peninsula borders and widespread andsystematic, and also represents the first major clash of theArab Muslims with the Persians and the Romans, as well,this is the role played by Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleasedwith him) represents the beginning of the liberalization ofArab lands from foreign occupation, as well as thebeginning of the presence of Arab Muslims on this earth,and to this day.


