Tribute and new Muslims - Historical Study


  • Khalef Aboud Al-Tae AL-Iraqia University-College of Arts


Among what he had committed human doing and whohave a relationship with religion than those who precededIslam, the Jews and the Christians, and then caused themMagi, select the relationship with the Islamic state to paytribute, as the victories dhimmis to Muslims doubt wheretheir agreement in the belief with the enemies ofMuslims, and jihad may impose Muslims. Islam hasenjoined the dhimmis who are non-Muslims to contributeto the expenses of the war by the tribute that taken awayfrom them and acted on fighters from the Muslims shallbe the successor for the victory. It is also used to meet theexpenses and the livelihoods of the army and the countryin the areas opened by Muslims.It should be noted that the tribute is not consideredpunishment in the right dhimmi for survival on religion,but is a physical contribution to the defense of hiscountry, which was inhabited by fall if the dhimmiinvolvement with Muslim to defend the land of Islamtask. The fall of tribute for the dhimmi in case hisconversion to Islam or disability or a paragraph, and theinability of Muslims to protect him, and joining thepeople of the house of war.


