symbolic of number seven


  • Adel Faeq Rashid AL-Iraqia University-College of Arts


Number seven had so many interpretations and this numberwas adopted since the early attempts of writing in 3500 BC at thetime of Sumerians who inhabited the southern part of Modern Iraqknown as Sumer (Ki-En-Gi) that translates into the land of reed’smaster, the number was used by Sumerians themselves in theirliterature especially in referring to the seven Gods of wisdom(Seven Sages) who taught the humanity all the known professions,as well as the seven Gods of the underworld, the seven gates of times of Babylonians the number was clearly used in therituals of exorcism to purify houses from evil spirits, the numberseven strongly appeared in the divine books of old testament andbible as well, mentioning the number of days prophet Moses had towait before launching the pigeon to know that the deadly floodingwaters have recessed, also number of prayers etc, reaching to theIslamic religion were this number was particularly mentioned inSURAT AL FATIHA the opening verse in the holy Quran and itsimportance to the limit that Muslim prayer considered incompleteif this verse wasn’t narrated, the other mentions of this strangenumber in other SURA’s, beside what Prophet Mohammed (PeaceBe Upon Him) said in the Sunnah and Hadeeth, This number as Ipresume represents the mighty creation of Allah and that thecontinuity of this number since Sumerian times up to Islam is aclear evidence that it is all from Allah who created earth andheavens in six days and laid rest on the throne at the seventh day.


