Reduplication in the Arabic and English Languages: A Comparative Study


  • Hayam Fahmi Ibrahim الجامعة العراقية / كلية التربية للبنات
  • أ.د. صباح صليبي جامعة بغداد - كلية اللغات


The paper presents a comparative study of aphonetic linguistic phenomenon which is reduplication inthe Arabic and English languages. It is known that thesetwo languages belong to two different families that theArabic language belongs to the Hamito-Semitic familyand the English belongs to Indo-European family. Theresearchers collected three hundreds fifty eight examplesfor reduplication in Arabic and two hundreds threeexamples for reduplication in English. The nature of thecollected materials required that the paper would bedivided into a preface, and three parts. The first partcomprises two sections: the first presents the definition ofreduplication in Arabic and English and the second showsthe advantage of reduplication in Arabic and English; Thesecond part consists two sections: the first shows thetypes of reduplication in Arabic and English, itsconditions in Arabic, the differences betweenreduplication, emphasis, and synonymy in Arabic and thetypes of reduplication in English, and the second sectionshows the patterns of reduplication in Arabic and English.The third part tackles the phonetic study in bothlanguages and is divided into two sections: the firsttackles the phonetic study in Arabic and the second thephonetic study in English. The paper ends with theconclusion and the findings.


