Characteristics of total solar radiation in Anbar province


  • Prof. Researcher Ali Mahdi Al-Dujaili(Ph.D.) AL-Iraqi University/ College of Arts
  • Ali Mohamed Abdel-Dulaimi AL-Iraqi University/ College of Arts



The amount of solar radiation reaching the surface of the earth varies with the height of the sun and the difference in the angle of the solar inclination falling on the surface of the earth, as the more the sun’s rays fall at a greater angle, the greater the amount of heat reaching the surface, so when the sun is relatively high in space, the temperature tends to rise  Thus, the temperature of the place varies according to the latitude and the distance of the sun from it, the time of the year during the rotation of the earth around the sun and the time of the day while the earth rotates on its axis().  The researcher will focus on studying the computational methods for the value of the total solar radiation first and studying the characteristics of the total solar radiation in the study area secondly, then it will be exposed to the conclusions and recommendations. The study reached a number of results, including                               

 1-There was a discrepancy in the values   of total solar radiation annually in the study area, and the annual rates in Anah station ranged from the lowest and recorded (420.8) milliwatts/cm2 and in the highest Rutba station, they recorded (446.2) milliwatts/cm2 for total solar radiation .

 2-It was found that there is a spatial and temporal variation in the monthly rates of total solar radiation values, as it reached the highest average of the amount of solar radiation received in the month of June and for all stations in the study area, which recorded about (639.6, 647.4, 630.3, 615.9) milliwatts / cm 2 / day in each of  (Al-Ramadi, Al-Rutba, Haditha, Anah) stations, respectively. As for the lowest rates, they were recorded in December in each station (Al-Ramadi, Haditha, Anah), which amounted to about (226.3, 218.2,209.6) mW/cm2/day, respectively                                                                                         

