The approach of Sheikh Al-Bahshti in his book Al-Khulasa Al-Sarfiyyah fi Sharh Al-Risala Al-Azziyah


  • prof. Dr. Mahmoud Fawzi Abdullah Iraqi University / College of Arts
  • Rajaa Ali Khudair Iraqi University / College of Arts



Keywords: (Al-Bahishti, the morphological summary, Al-Risala Al-Azziyah, Al-Zanjani, Al-Bahishti methodology).


Every world has a methodology that is specific to him and distinguishes him from others, and he shows us his scientific personality, and our Sheikh Al-Bahishti was his methodology in the book as an explanation, clarification, and explanation of a body of important morphological texts in which he tried to explain its systems and show its benefits. Of them is not an easy matter; This is because the subject is related to the research and exploration of the features of his method through the analysis of his texts in an accurate and in-depth manner, and from here he began the investigation of the book Al-Khalisah morphological text of Al-Azzi by Sheikh Al-Bahishti, and after investigation and analysis of his texts and words, we stood on the most important features of his method in his explanation of the most important text of the morphological texts, which is the text Imam al-Zanjani, known as al-Matn al-Azzi, Hence, the intention was established, so our research was labeled (Sheikh Al-Bahshti's approach in his book Al-Khalasah Al-Sarfiyyah fi Sharh Al-Risala Al-Azziya), and it included a preface and two chapters. Sheikh Al-Bahshti's scientific approach and an explanation of its most important features are represented by models that illustrate the features of his approach.

